Kelpiesoft database Food File is for anyone who is interested in what they eat. This database is particularly useful for those who are aware about their diet for health or weight loss reasons.
This program is totally free and you have the choice to search in the field option for any kind of food, for example what kinf of food group you need to look for and also the particular food you need to verify. Searching in this database is as simple as typing in the food you are looking for.
You have the choice to search by nutrients filters like Fat Free, High Fiber, Low Cholesterol, etc. etc. or by nutrients like Cooper, Folic Acid, Cholesterol, etc. etc.
Selecting your specific food, the screen will display the graphic with the proportion of fat, protein and carbohydrate contained as well as total calories and more detailed nutritional information. This graphic will show also the Detailed Nutritional Content. The nutritional information was compiled by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Data Laboratory. This highly detailed information on the nutritional content of foods is a useful resource for nutritionists and other health care professionals.
A really powerful tool for those people who really want to know what to eat.